At Mypoint Marketing, we’re not just another digital agency—we’re your partner in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of online business. Specializing in dynamic online solutions, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to propel your business into the digital age. From cutting-edge Responsive Websites to robust Customer Relationship Systems, efficient Email Marketing Systems, streamlined Facebook Management Systems, and comprehensive Knowledge Base Systems, we’ve got you covered. But our expertise doesn’t stop there; we’re also skilled in developing Accounting and POS systems and providing top-notch hardware support. Beyond technology, we offer a suite of accounting services to cater to your financial needs. Our commitment to automation empowers businesses to thrive by seamlessly integrating online tools into their operations. At the core of Mypoint Marketing is a mission to redefine industry standards, driven by the belief that innovation, collaboration, and inclusivity are paramount. Our vision is ambitious—to lead the charge in shaping the digital future, creating lasting impact for businesses worldwide. Our working culture is built on collaboration, innovation, and a growth mindset, where employees are supported in their professional development and encouraged to think creatively. We offer competitive compensation, flexible working hours, and comprehensive health and wellness programs, ensuring a balanced and fulfilling work-life experience. At Mypoint Marketing, we’re dedicated to the growth of our employees, offering comprehensive career development programs and mentorship opportunities. Join us today and unlock a world of possibilities in your career journey. Explore exciting career opportunities, check out our current job vacancies, and apply now to be part of our dynamic team. Your journey with Mypoint Marketing awaits!
在Mypoint Marketing,我们不仅仅是另一家数字代理机构——我们是您在不断发展的在线业务领域中的合作伙伴。专注于动态在线解决方案,我们提供一系列专门定制的服务,旨在将您的业务推向数字时代。从尖端的响应式网站到强大的客户关系系统,高效的电子邮件营销系统,简化的Facebook管理系统和全面的知识库系统,我们应有尽有。但我们的专业知识不止于此;我们还擅长开发会计和POS系统,并提供一流的硬件支持。除了技术之外,我们还提供一套会计服务,以满足您的财务需求。我们致力于自动化,通过将在线工具无缝集成到业务运营中,帮助企业实现繁荣。Mypoint Marketing的核心是重新定义行业标准的使命,这一使命的驱动力是创新、合作和包容性至关重要。我们的愿景是雄心勃勃的——引领塑造数字未来的潮流,为全球企业创造持久的影响。我们的工作文化建立在合作、创新和成长思维的基础上,员工在职业发展方面得到支持,并被鼓励以创造性思维。我们提供具有竞争力的薪酬、灵活的工作时间以及全面的健康和健身计划,确保平衡且充实的工作与生活体验。在Mypoint Marketing,我们致力于员工的成长,提供全面的职业发展计划和导师机会。加入我们,开启您职业生涯旅程的无限可能性吧。探索激动人心的职业机会,查看我们当前的职位空缺,并立即申请成为我们充满活力的团队的一员。您的Mypoint Marketing之旅正在等待着您!